is a package
in R to help users detect a time period or ‘window’ over which a
response variable (usually biological) is sensitive to the environment
(usually climate/weather). Periods of climate sensitivity can help
inform experimental design, improve species modelling or allow users to
more effectively account for climate in statistical modelling. This
vignette will give an introduction to the package and its basic
features. The advanced vignette provides more detail on the ‘advanced’
features present within the package.
?The characteristics of an organism are likely to change within a year (e.g. body condition, behaviour), and these will influence the way in which an organism responds to its environment at different points in time. Therefore, when we are interested in studying the effects of climate on some biological response the time period or ‘window’ over which we choose to collect climate data can strongly influence the outcome and interpretation of our results. Yet there has been a tendency in ecological research to focus on a limited number of windows, often chosen arbitrarily. For example, there has been a strong focus on the biological impacts of average spring conditions.
Without a critical comparison of different possible windows, we limit our ability to make meaningful conclusions from our research. If a biological trait displays no response to an arbitrarily chosen climate window it is difficult to determine if this is evidence of insensitivity to climate or whether the choice of time period is flawed. Even when we find a relationship between climate and the biological response, we cannot be sure that we have selected the period where the trait is most sensitive. Therefore, there is a need for a more effective method through which we can select our sampling period.
Realistically, manually testing and comparing all possible windows
can be difficult and time consuming. With climwin
we hope
to overcome this problem by employing exploratory approaches to test and
compare the effects of all possible climate windows. This will remove
the need to arbitrarily select climate windows, and will consequently
improve our research outcomes and conclusions. Below we will outline the
basic features of the climwin
package, including how to
carry out and interpret a climate window analysis.
: The base functionslidingwin
is the main function of the
package. It uses a sliding window approach to
investigate all possible windows and compares them using values of
Let’s imagine we have a dataset containing two variables: chick mass at hatching and date of measurement. Chick mass is likely to be measured at different dates due to biological differences (e.g. hatching date, incubation time), therefore our dataset will look something like this:
Date | Mass (g) |
04/06/2015 | 120 |
05/06/2015 | 123 |
07/06/2015 | 110 |
07/06/2014 | 140 |
08/06/2014 | 138 |
… | … |
We want to understand the relationship between temperature and chick mass, so we also have a second dataset containing daily temperature data.
Date | Temperature |
01/06/2015 | 15 |
02/06/2015 | 16 |
03/06/2015 | 12 |
04/06/2014 | 18 |
05/06/2014 | 20 |
06/06/2014 | 23 |
07/06/2014 | 21 |
08/06/2014 | 27 |
… | … |
As is often the case, we have no prior knowledge to help us select
the best climate window. To overcome this issue, slidingwin
will test all possible windows for us. First, lets imagine we start by
testing the effect of average temperature 1-2 days before hatching.
will calculate the corresponding average
temperature for each biological record and create a new combined
Date | Mass (g) | Temperature [1 - 2 days] |
04/06/2015 | 120 | 14 |
05/06/2015 | 123 | 15 |
07/06/2015 | 110 | 21.5 |
07/06/2014 | 140 | 21.5 |
08/06/2014 | 138 | 22 |
… | … | … |
Now that we have this new dataset, we can test the relationship between mass and temperature and determine an AICc value [2]. Let’s use a basic linear model:
lm(Mass ~ Temperature[1 - 2 days])
We’ve tested the relationship between temperature and chick mass in
one climate window, but we don’t yet know how this window compares to
others. slidingwin
will go back and carry out the same
process on all other windows and generate a list of AICc values. These
values will then be compared to the AICc value of a null model (a model
containing no climate). This new value of ΔAICc
allows us to not only compare different climate windows with one another
but also determine how well each climate window actually explains the
biological data. Our final outcome can be seen below:
Window | Model AICc | Null model AICc | Difference |
2 - 4 days | 1006 | 1026 | 20 |
1 - 3 days | 1015 | 1026 | 11 |
1 - 2 days | 1019 | 1026 | 7 |
4 - 5 days | 1020 | 1026 | 6 |
… | … | … | … |
With this simple comparison, we can see that the strength of the window 2 - 4 days before hatching is not only better than a model with no climate (i.e. the value of AICc is 20 units smaller), but also better than other tested climate windows (i.e. the AICc value is 9 units smaller than the next best window). In this case, we would conclude that chick mass was most strongly influenced by average temperature 2 - 4 days before hatching.
While this example is simplistic, it provides insight into the method
behind slidingwin
. In practice, slidingwin
be applied to large datasets testing thousands of possible windows,
streamlining what would otherwise be a difficult and time consuming
Now that we understand how slidingwin
works, how do we
go about using it? As with our simple example above, it is first
necessary to create two separate datasets for the climate and biological
data. These two datasets will be the basis for the climate window
To start using slidingwin
it’s important to first
understand the basic parameters. Below, we will discuss the parameters
required to run a basic sliding window analysis. More ‘advanced’
parameters are discussed in the advanced vignette.
For this example, we will use the Mass
datasets included with the climwin
To begin, we need to determine the predictor variable which we want
to study. The parameter ‘xvar’ is a list object containing our variables
of interest (e.g. Temperature, Rainfall). While we will focus here on
climate, it is possible to apply our slidingwin
with non-climatic predictors (e.g. NDVI).
xvar = list(Temp = MassClimate$Temp)
Once we have established our predictor variable, we next need to tell
the location of our date data. These two
parameters contain the date variable for both the climate dataset
(‘cdate’) and biological dataset (‘bdate’).
N.B. These date variables must be stored in a dd/mm/yyyy format.
cdate = MassClimate$Date
bdate = Mass$Date
The parameter ‘baseline’ determines the model structure for the null model. The structure of the baseline model is highly versatile, with the potential to use many different model functions in R (lm, lmer, lme, glm, glmer, coxph), include covariates, random effects and weights. Here, we will use a basic linear model.
baseline = lm(Mass ~ 1, data = Mass)
Climate data from each tested climate window will be added as a predictor to this baseline model, to allow for a direct comparison between the null model and each climate window.
Ideally, our predictive data will be available at a resolution of days. However in some circumstances this may not be possible. With this in mind, cinterval allows users to adjust the resolution of analysis to days, weeks or months. Note that the choice of ‘cinterval’ will impact our interpretation of the parameter ‘range’ (see below). In our current example, daily data is available and so a resolution of days will be used.
cinterval = "day"
While our above example used a small dataset and tested a limited number of climate windows, the number of tested climate windows can be much larger, set by the parameter ‘range’. This parameter contains two values which set the upper and lower limit for tested climate windows respectively. The values of range will correspond to the resolution chosen using the parameter ‘cinterval’. In this example we are interested in testing all possible climate windows anywhere up to 150 days before the biological record.
range = c(150, 0)
There are two distinct ways to carry out a sliding window analysis. In our simple example of chick mass above we considered ‘relative’ climate windows, where the placement of the window will vary depending on the time of the biological response (e.g. 1-2 days before hatching). These relative windows assume that each individual may have the same relative response to climate, but the exact calendar dates will vary between individuals.
Alternatively, there may be situations where we expect all individuals to respond to the same climatic period (e.g. average April temperature). In this case, we assume that all climate windows will be calculated from an ‘absolute’ start date which will act as day 0. In this case, the additional parameter ‘refday’ will set the day and month of day 0 for the climate window analysis.
In this example, we will test for absolute climate windows using a starting date of May 20th. For more details on different types of climate window analyses see [3] and [4]
type = "absolute"
refday = c(20, 5)
While we now have the ability to extract climate data for all possible climate windows, the aggregate statistic with which we analyse this data may also influence our results. Most commonly, we consider the mean value of climate within each window, yet it may be more appropriate to consider other possible aggregate statistics, such as maximum, minimum or slope [3, 4].
The parameter stat allows users to select the aggregate statistic of their choice.
stat = "mean"
Although the relationship between climate and our biological response may often be linear, there is a potential for more complex relationships. The parameter ‘func’ allows users to select from a range of possible relationships, including linear (“lin”), quadratic (“quad”), cubic (“cub”), logarithmic (“log”) and inverse (“inv”).
func = "lin"
N.B climwin
also allows for more complex model
structures which require more detailed user input. These are outlined in
our advanced vignette.
After choosing each of our parameter values, we can finally input our
choices into the slidingwin
The below slidingwin
syntax will test the linear effect
of mean temperature on chick mass across all windows between 0 and 150
days before May 20th.
NOTE: Analysis with climwin
can require large
amounts of computational power. Please be patient with the
MassWin <- slidingwin(xvar = list(Temp = MassClimate$Temp),
cdate = MassClimate$Date,
bdate = Mass$Date,
baseline = lm(Mass ~ 1, data = Mass),
cinterval = "day",
range = c(150, 0),
type = "absolute", refday = c(20, 05),
stat = "mean",
func = "lin")
The product of our climate window analysis is a list object, here
we’ve called it MassWin
The object MassWin
has three key components.
deltaAICc | WindowOpen | WindowClose | ModelBeta | … | ModWeight | … |
-64.81496 | 72 | 15 | -4.481257 | … | 0.0268355 | … |
-64.55352 | 72 | 14 | -4.485161 | … | 0.0235472 | … |
-64.53157 | 73 | 15 | -4.510254 | … | 0.0232902 | … |
-64.40163 | 73 | 14 | -4.517427 | … | 0.0218251 | … |
-64.30387 | 72 | 13 | -4.500146 | … | 0.0207839 | … |
-64.20857 | 73 | 13 | -4.533436 | … | 0.0198168 | … |
As we can see above, the best climate window is 72 - 15 days before May 20th, equivalent to temperature between March 9th and May 5th.
N.B. As can be seen in the model weights (column ModWeight),
there is uncertainty in the exact best model. The window of 72 - 15 days
should be taken as the best representative of a broad period of
sensitivity. In other words, chick mass responds to temperature
around a period of 72 - 15 days before hatching. This
uncertainty in the best climate window is accounted for somewhat by
using the more complex weightwin
approach, outlined in the
advanced vignette.
lm(formula = Yvar ~ climate, data = modeldat)
(Intercept) climate
163.544 -4.481
Yvar | climate |
140 | 6.068966 |
138 | 6.160345 |
136 | 6.781034 |
135 | 6.877586 |
134 | 6.713793 |
134 | 6.120690 |
With the slidingwin
code above, we have compared all
possible climate windows for our Mass
dataset. However, one
danger of the exploratory approach that we employ is that there is a
risk of detecting seemingly suitable climate windows simply by
statistical chance. In other words, if we fit enough climate windows one
of them will eventually look good.
To overcome this concern, we include a method to account for
over-fitting within the climwin
package using the functions
and pvalue
. These functions are
required to make conclusions using climwin
The function randwin
allows users to re-run their
climate window analyses on a dataset where any true climate signal has
been removed. The date information in the original dataset is randomly
rearranged to remove any association between climate and the biological
response. By running slidingwin
on this new randomised
dataset we can determine the likelihood of finding our original result
by random chance.
The syntax of randwin
is mostly identical to that of
except for the inclusion of the ‘repeats’
argument. This allows the user to decide how many times they want to
randomise the order of the data and re-run the slidingwin
analysis. In this scenario we will run 5 repeats to limit computational
time; however, it should be noted that running more repeats is better to
more accurately account for over-fitting.
repeats = 5
NOTE: all other arguments should be consistent between
and randwin
so that results are
MassRand <- randwin(repeats = 5,
xvar = list(Temp = MassClimate$Temp),
cdate = MassClimate$Date,
bdate = Mass$Date,
baseline = lm(Mass ~ 1, data = Mass),
cinterval = "day",
range = c(150, 0),
type = "absolute", refday = c(20, 05),
stat = "mean",
func = "lin")
The output of the randwin
is a list object with one
item, here we have called in ‘MassRand’.
deltaAICc | WindowOpen | WindowClose | ModelBeta | … | ModWeight | … |
-7.381971 | 43 | 43 | -1.013629 | … | 0.0057114 | … |
-2.480037 | 10 | 9 | 0.632130 | … | 0.0006934 | … |
-11.42487 | 121 | 118 | 1.022294 | … | 0.0268391 | … |
-7.473806 | 9 | 7 | -0.865967 | … | 0.0046362 | … |
-11.61841 | 50 | 14 | -2.338881 | … | 0.0048511 | … |
Rows in the randwin
output show each of the top models
from the 5 repeats used. We can see that the ΔAICc
values from the randwin
output are much larger (i.e. less
negative) than those in our original slidingwin
suggesting that the large negative values we observed in our
analysis are unlikely to have occurred by
chance. However, to make this conclusion with more certainty we need to
use the pvalue
Now that we have results from both slidingwin
we can estimate how likely our observed result
would be at random using pvalue
. This function has four
important arguments:
The dataset output from our slidingwin
dataset = MassWin[[1]]$Dataset
The dataset output from our randwin
datasetrand = MassRand[[1]]
includes two methods that can be used to account
for over-fitting:
Where the number of repeats used in randwin
are high
(100+) we can use the metric “AIC”. With a high number of repeats we can
confidently determine the distribution of ΔAICc
values we would expect in a dataset with no climate signal present, we
can then determine how likely our observed ΔAICc
result from slidingwin
would be in this
When using large datasets, running 100+ repeats can take large amounts of computational time. When the number of repeats is limited, we use the metric “C”. This estimates the distribution of ΔAICc using the information available from the limited number of repeats. In this scenario, with only 5 repeats, we will use the “C” metric.
For more information on these metrics and their effectiveness see [3].
metric = "C"
The number of years of data used in the analysis. This is required when using the “C” metric. In our example, we have 47 years of data.
sample.size = 47
With these arguments set we can now run the pvalue
The output of the pvalue
function is very small
(<0.005). This can give us confidence that our original
result is unlikely to be an issue of
overfitting. It should be noted that we do not advocate for a prescribed
cut-off for pvalue
results (e.g. 0.05). Instead, it is
better to use the result from pvalue
as a measure of
confidence in our observed result.
We can visualise this result using the plothist
function. This gives a histogram of the ΔAICc
values extracted from randwin
and a dashed line to show the
of the observed result from slidingwin
As we can see below, the value of ΔAICc
from the real data (dashed line) is very different to those values
obtained from randomised data. At the top of the graph we can see the
outcome of pvalue
calculated using both the “AIC” and “C”
NOTE: For plotting examples we save the dataset from ‘MassWin’
(calculated above) as a new object ‘MassOutput’. i.e. MassOutput <-
MassWin[[1]]$Dataset. Similarly, the output from randwin
saved as MassRand. i.e. MassRand <- MassRand[[1]]
## Warning in plothist(dataset = MassOutput, datasetrand = MassRand): PDeltaAICc
## may be unreliable with so few randomisations
## Warning: The dot-dot notation (`..density..`) was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `after_stat(density)` instead.
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the climwin package.
## Please report the issue at <>.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
Now that we have confidence in our slidingwin
output, we
can visualise the results. We have designed 5 plotting options that
allow users to visualise their climate window data (plus the
function described above). In addition to
these plots can also be useful
to assess confidence in a given result.
Below we will discuss each plot in detail.
As a first step, we can look at the distribution of ΔAICc values across all tested climate windows. In the below plot, blue regions represent climate windows with limited strength (AICc values similar to the null model) while red regions show strong windows.
In our example, we can see an obvious region of strong windows around the left of the graph corresponding to the region around the best window.
It’s worth noting that some biological data may exhibit multiple
periods of sensitivity (e.g. long-lag and short-lag [3]).
These can be detected using the plotdelta
Another way to visualise the ΔAICc data is through the use of model weights [2]. In short, the higher a model weight value the greater confidence we have that this model is the true ‘best’ model. While our top climate window is the most likely single window to explain variation in the data, our confidence that this top window represents the true ‘best’ model may still be low.
If we sum the weights of multiple models, we can now be more confident that we encompass the true best model, but we are less sure of its exact location. In our model weights plot we shade all models that make up the top 95% of model weights (the 95% confidence set). Therefore, we can be 95% confident that the true ‘best’ model falls within the shaded region.
In our example using the Mass
dataset, we can see that
the top 95% of model weights falls within a small region roughly
corresponding to the peak seen in ΔAICc
above. In fact, we can be 95% confident that the best climate window
falls within only 4% of the total fitted models. This gives us further
confidence in our results.
While we are often interested in estimating the location of the best
climate window, we may also be interested in estimating the relationship
between climate and our biological response. The plotbeta
function generates a similar colour plot to that used above to model
which shows the spread of model coefficients across all fitted climate
windows. In the below plot, we can see that windows around our best
model show a negative relationship between temperature and mass (red),
while other models show little response (blue).
To represent the model weight plot in a different way,
shows boxplots of the start and end point of all
climate windows that make up the 95% confidence set. The values above
each boxplot represent the median start and end time for these
In the below example, the median start and end point of the top models corresponds almost exactly with our best window determined using ΔAICc. In situations where model weights are more dispersed such a match would be less likely.
These median values can also be determined with the function
Although the above plots and pvalue
output give us
strong confidence that our results represent a real period of climate
sensitivity, we have not considered how well climate within this period
actually explains variation in the biological data. Although temperature
in March and April explains variation in mass better than at other
points in time, temperature over this period may still not explain
variation in the biological data that well.
Using the plotbest
function, we can plot the predictions
of our best model over the biological data. Examining this plot can help
us determine whether it may be more appropriate to test alternative
relationships of climate (e.g. quadratic or cubic) by adjusting the
parameter func or to identify outliers.
The BestModel object can often be lost when we start a new R session.
To overcome this issue, the singlewin
function allows you
to generate BestModel and BestModelData for a single climate window
(e.g. the best window from a previous analysis).
MassSingle <- singlewin(xvar = list(Temp = MassClimate$Temp),
cdate = MassClimate$Date,
bdate = Mass$Date,
baseline = lm(Mass ~ 1, data = Mass),
cinterval = "day",
range = c(72, 15),
type = "absolute", refday = c(20, 5),
stat = "mean",
func = "lin")
NOTE: In the singlewin
function the values of range
now equate to the start and end time of the single window, rather than
the range over which multiple windows will be tested.
We can use the output from the singlewin
function to
plot the best data.
plotbest(dataset = MassOutput,
bestmodel = MassSingle$BestModel,
bestmodeldata = MassSingle$BestModelData)
functionWhile each of these plots provide useful information for the user,
they are best viewed in conjunction. The plotall
allows users to create an array of all graphics to contrast and compare
the different information they provide.
plotall(dataset = MassOutput,
datasetrand = MassRand,
bestmodel = MassSingle$BestModel,
bestmodeldata = MassSingle$BestModelData)
## Warning in plothist(dataset = dataset, datasetrand = datasetrand): PDeltaAICc
## may be unreliable with so few randomisations
In the above examples we have been investigating one combination of
parameters. However, there may be situations
where users wish to test different parameter combinations. For example,
we may be interested in looking at both the linear and quadratic
relationship of temperature or consider investigating the effects of
both average and maximum temperature.
For ease of use, slidingwin
allows users to test these
different combinations with a single function. To take the above
examples, we can test both linear and quadratic relationships
func = c("lin", "quad")
and consider both maximum and mean temperature values.
stat = c("max", "mean")
So our final function would be:
MassWin2 <- slidingwin(xvar = list(Temp = MassClimate$Temp),
cdate = MassClimate$Date,
bdate = Mass$Date,
baseline = lm(Mass ~ 1, data = Mass),
cinterval = "day",
range = c(150, 0),
type = "absolute", refday = c(20, 5),
stat = c("max", "mean"),
func = c("lin", "quad"))
To view all the tested combinations we can call the
Climate | Type | Stat | func | |
1 | Temp | fixed | max | lin |
2 | Temp | fixed | mean | lin |
3 | Temp | fixed | max | quad |
4 | Temp | fixed | mean | quad |
Using this combos
list, we can extract information on
each of our tested combinations, as each row in the combos
table corresponds to a list item in our object MassWin2. For example,
the BestModel object of the quadratic relationship using maximum
temperature (3rd row in the above table) would be called using the
following code:
lm(formula = Yvar ~ climate + I(climate^2), data = modeldat)
(Intercept) climate I(climate^2)
139.39170 -1.33767 0.03332
This covers the basic functions of climwin
. For more
advanced features see our extra vignette ‘advanced_climwin’. To ask
additional questions or report bugs please e-mail:
or visit our google group.